Friday, 23 September 2016

Omo Alaje' - The One Who has the Benevolence of the goddess of Wealth.

Omo Alaje,

Okuta trembles at your enthralling voice,

so does it fall apart before you like Dagon fell before the ark.

Your smile infects instantly at contact like Ebola,

initiating impulse buys by your enticed customers.


Omo Alaje,

the market envies your opulence,

some tag you a whizz, some a witch.

The market leader’s miscarriages are your doings; they blurt.


Omo Alaje,

tell them how Eledua backed you up to whop

ori buruku  in a bout,

Tell them how you singly floored atowo denu,

the dreaded profit eater and incurred the plethora of Aje.
Omo Alaje,

Your tender fingers have been anointed with

the sacred ‘poop’ of ‘Lekeleke’.

Your eyes harbour a spell which it casts on passers-by,

halting their footsteps, as your raconteuring voice calls out

“Temi-ni-e-wo Temi-ni-e-ra”.



even your beauty inholds charm that hexes

young merchants, bringing them all back again,

all in the bid to own your gracefulness in its entirety.

Even baba Risikat the bald headed tycoon,

heard of your wealth in beauty and possession,

tried to add you to his league of wives.

Who would resist your charm, Omo alaje, Awelewa.

They know not who Alamu the sculpture maker is to you.


Omo Alaje,

Efunsetan’s wealth licks the dust off the feet of yours,

yet,  humility engulfs you, as you joy most in your patronizers

as they swarm your conglomerate as ants to sugar.

In variety, goods flock in to be carted out in a jiffy via buyers,

Despite credit services, your profits know no bounds.

Ajenirun will eat till its bursts out of constipation,

without accomplishing a minute of its renown mission.


Omo Alaje,

Riri says she saw your persistent trials

in the womb of oceans, while Airi attested to hearing

your cries dance in Orunmila’s ears each season,

which facilitated his hearkening to you from

his holy mountains. Shame on your detractors.

Triplets you conceived.


And as a hungry man devours a plate of food,

Aje jowo maa bugba mi je.


I am Omo Alaje, Aje’s abode.



Airi– The one who didn’t see

Riri– the one who saw

Atowo denu– from hand to mouth

Aje– goddess of wealth

Ajenirun– the devourer

Okuta– state of no sales

Lekeleke– bird of luck

Omo Alaje– Daughter of the goddess of wealth.

Aje jowo maa bugba mi je– goddess of wealth, kindly always grant me abundant sales .

Temi-ni-e-wo Temi-ni-e-ra– “Check my own goods, buy my own goods.”

Written By

Tejuoso Olamide Mary

Sunday, 18 September 2016


Dave and Clara have been
married 4 over nine years
without children. They
stayed with each other
and hoped that they will
have a child before their
10th year of marriage
because they were being
persuaded by family and
some friends to get a
divorce but they couldn’t
let go because of the love
between them.

Months and
while Dave was returning
from work one day, he
saw his wife walking down
the road with a man and
they looked happy.

Another evening, while
Dave was coming back
from work, he saw the
same man drop her off at
the house. Dave became
angry and sad.

Two days
later, after a hectic day at
work, Dave was taking
water with a glass jug
when the phone rang. He
picked it up and the
person said ‘hello dear, I’ll
be coming to your house
this evening to see you as
promised. I hope .....’’
and then Dave hung up the

It was a male
voice. He was sure the
person was the man he
had seen with his wife. He
suddenly became shaky
with this thought, ‘’Have I lost my wife to another
man?’’ At that point, the
glass jug fell from his
hand and shattered into

Then Clara came running
into the room asking, ‘’Is
everything okay?’’ In anger
he gave his wife a push
and she fell. She wasn’t
moving or getting up.

Dave then realised that
she fell where he broke
the glass jug and a large
piece of glass has pierced
her. He felt her breath,
pulse and heartbeat but
there she lay lifeless. His
wife was dead.

In total confusion, he saw an
envelope in her hand. He
took it, opened it and was
shocked by its content. It
was a letter and it reads:

‘’ My loving husband,
words cannot express
how I feel, so i had to write it down. I have been going to see a doctor for over a week and wanted to be sure before I give you the news. The doctor confirmed it that I am
pregnant with a twin and
our babies are due in 7
months from now.

The doctor also happen to be
my long lost brother whom I lost contact with after our marriage. He has promised to take care of me and our babies and give us the best without collecting a dime.

He also promised to have dinner with us today. Thanks to you for standing by
me...... your loving wife.

As the letter fell from
Dave’s hand, there was a
knock at the door and it
was the same man he had
seen with his wife... and
he said ......’’ hello Dave, I
suppose am right, am
Max, your wife’s brother.....’’And suddenly
he noticed his sister in the
pool of her blood .... he
rushed her to his hospital
but it was too late, his
sister, Dave’s wife was
gone and so were the

In our relationships,
which include our
marriage, we should not
be too quick in reacting
when we haven’t questioned our partner or spouse on what we saw or heard about them.

Communication, Trust and
Patience are rare gifts we
can bring to our relationship.

Not everything we see or
hear or believe is right
about them.

And to every man or woman on dis platform, I pray that patience will have her
perfect way in you and you will want nothing because patience is that great virtue you need to keep any relationship working.
Enjoy your day in God today. Ciao!

Thursday, 15 September 2016


I was raped at the age of 9 yet am one of the most influential women in the world" - ​Oprah Winfrey!​

"I was sexually, mentally, emotionally and verbally abused by my father as far back as I can remember until I left home at the age of eighteen yet I am one of the most influential preachers in d world" - ​Joyce Meyer!​​

​Failures or limitations of the past have no control over the greatness in you. To him that believes, all things are possible.​

Don't wait for everybody to believe in your ability and dreams...

Never design your life like a Garden where anyone can walk in and out......

Design it like the Sky where everyone aspires to reach!

Tuesday, 13 September 2016


I will start by saying; let all things be done in decency and in accordance to yourself as a being. According to recent research conducted by bra manufacturer, Triumph, 76 percent of women are wearing the wrong size of bra.

Wearing a bra that is either too small or too big can have health implications including recurrent headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, joint pain, and upper back pain.

During their research, Triumph surveyed a large amount of women to find out reasons why they wear wrong bras. Here are the most common reasons:

Majority of women had never been fitted for a bra, and so were unaware of their actual bra size
Others deliberately bought bras in the wrong size “in the hope it would boost or minimize their cleavage”
Some bought the wrong bra because “they wanted a particular style or color and their size was out of stock” the effects of wearing bras that either too big or too small are given below to give insight to many who are deformed.

Adverse effects of wearing bras that is too small
If a bra is too tight, it can create pressure on the nerves, muscles and blood vessels around the shoulders, upper back and rib cage, leading to pain, headaches, and even constant pins and needles in the arms. Even more seriously, over time, too tight bra straps worn day in and day out can start to squash the acromioclavicular affecting its range of movement and the function of the arm, along with constant pain.
In addition, wearing bras that are too tight can cause lumps or lesions on the skin. These are caused by the hooks on the back of bras digging into the skin.
Adverse effects of wearing bras that is too large
Wearing a bra that doesn’t support the breasts efficiently can lead to postural problems, such as rounded or hunched shoulders, as the woman will naturally sit and stand awkwardly to compensate for her unsupportive, ill-fitting bra. If your cup size is a C or larger, the problems with wearing a loose, unsupportive bra can be even worse.
Larger, poorly supported breasts will sit on the rib cage, putting pressure on the diaphragm, which can cause you breathing problems. The weight of the breasts combined with poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle can even exacerbate digestive problems, such as heartburn and IBS.

Negotiation Sets You Up For Great Career Success

"Negotiation is the ultimate skill to executive career success, and the more you get better at negotiating the greater your chances for success." ~ Preye Tambou

Understanding the power of negotiation early in your career sets you up for great success. Negotiation can take place anywhere; is at the heart of just about every successful endeavor and can lead you to your career advancement. If you seek to develop your career path and maintain your professional and personal interests you need to be familiar with negotiation skills that would allow you to leverage your knowledge and strength. Negotiating to produce a positive outcome in a professional setting requires you to strive for win/win for every party involved, don't be afraid to make the first offer, do your research to get sufficient information, negotiate the salary and variable compensation/paid time off, working remotely, advancement opportunities, responsibilities etc, be an exceptional listener, clarify to understand the other party’s request, find a resolution for any areas of disagreement with the other party, make a call to action in clear and simple terms to confirm there are no misunderstandings, and never assume you know what the other person wants. Successful negotiation requires the right attitude; never take the other party lightly and never be intimidated. On an ongoing negotiation basis, working towards outcomes that result in a win for everyone should always be the ultimate goal.


~ Preye Tambou

11 Qualities of a Good Mother

  1. Always offering your love. Gives lots of hugs.
  2. Trying to see things from your kid's point of view. Asking their opinion whenever it's possible or appropriate.
  3. Patience
  4. Giving unconditional love.
  5. Having one on one time with each kid. If you have one child, making sure you have solo time with that child, too.
  6. Learning that discipline is a good thing
  7. Having a sense of humor.
  8. Balance.
  9. Making sure you always do the best you can, admit when you're not, learn to do better, and follow through.
  10. Being able to survive harsh conditions
  11. Relaxing a little.


There are questions individuals ought to ask themselves, this question go a long way to help them know many paralyzed situation but some individuals have the ‘I don’t care attitude’ perhaps they don’t understand the need to ask themselves this question probably they don’t understand or know. Any which way, let me put you true.
You can change your workouts and your diet. But theres nothing you can do to change your blood type, which is determined by microscopic substances inherited from your parents that live on the surface of your red blood cells. So depending on whether youre type A, B, AB, or O, you may be more or less likely to suffer from heart trouble, cancer, and several other maladies. Heres what your blood type could mean for you:
Memory Problems
Blood type AB may increase your risk for cognitive impairment, shows research from the journal Neurology. Specifically, older ABs were more likely than those with other blood types to have problems learning or recalling things.
Stomach Cancer
More bad news if youre blood type AB: Your risk for stomach cancer is roughly 26 per cent higher than if you had blood type B or O, concludes a study from the American Journal of Epidemiology. (If youre type A, your risk is 20 per cent higher than those with type B or O.)
Ulcers. The same bacteria that may cause stomach cancers among those with blood types A or AB may up your risk for ulcers if youre type O, Edgrens research shows.
Heart Disease
Thank your lucky genes, type Os. Your blood type may lower your risk for heart disease by up to 23 per cent compared to people with other blood types. Thats according to research from the Harvard School of Public Health.
Pancreatic Cancer
More benefits for type Os: Youre 37 per cent less likely to develop pancreatic cancer than people with other blood types, suggests research from the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Having knowing what your blood group says or mean to you, it is worthy of note that, each blood group is associated with one thing or the other  as we all know blood type is genetically made up. However, while it seems your blood type plays a role in your disease risk, its not clear if that role is big or small. The best advice is to have a healthy lifestyle.