Wednesday, 19 October 2016




Only God has no weakness. Every rose flower has its own thorns. If you focus too much on your spouse's weakness, you can't get the best out of his/her strength.


No one is an Angel, therefore, avoid digging one's past. What matters is the present life of your partner. Old things are passed away, try to forgive and forget. The past can't be changed. So Focus on the present and the future!


Marriage is not a bed of roses. Every shinning marriage has gone through its own test of hot and excruciating fire. True love is proved in time of challenges. Fight for your marriage! Make up your mind to stay with your spouse in time of trials. Remember this is the vow you made on your wedding day!


Don't compare your marriage with anyone's! We can never be equal, some will be far in front and others far behind. To avoid marriage stresses, be patient, work hard and with time, your marriage dreams shall come true.


When you marry, you must declare a war against enemies of marriage. Some of the enemies of marriage are: Ignorance, Prayerlessness, Unforgiveness, Adultery, Third Party Influence, Stinginess, Stubbornness, Lack Of Love, Rudeness, Wife battery, Laziness, Divorce etc. Be ready to fight to maintain your marriage zone.


There is no ready made marriage anywhere. Marriage is hard work, volunteer yourself and perfect it daily. Marriage is like a CAR with Gear oil, gear box, back hassles and If these parts are not properly maintained, the car will break down somewhere along the road and expose the occupants to unpleasant circumstances. - Many of us are careless about our marriage... Are you? If you are, pls pay attention to your marriage.


He (God) gives you, him or her in the form of raw materials in order for you to mould what you desire. You may desire a woman who can pray for 1 hour but your wife can only pray for 30 minutes. With your love, prayer and encouragement, she can improve.


You cannot predict what will happen after marriage, as situation may change, so, leave room for adjustment. Pregnancy may not come in the next 4 years. You may get married to her because she's slim but she becomes 100% fatter after a child. He may lose his good job for years that you have to take the financial responsibility of the family until he gets a new job. But with God by your side, you will smile at last.


Marriage needs total commitment, love is the glue that makes a couple stick together. Divorce starts in the mind. Never think of divorce! Never threaten your spouse with divorce. Choose to remain married! God hates divorce


Marriage is like a bank account. It is the money you deposit into your bank account that you can withdraw. If you don't deposit love, peace and care into your marriage, you are not a candidate of a blissful home. There is no free love in marriage, You cannot love without giving and sacrificing.

SOURCE: Anonymous

Tuesday, 18 October 2016


A friend and I got talking one evening, joking and laughing our worries out until I hit a question on his past, penetrating the present and future and then he seriously stopped to say ‘I want something stable now, I can’t afford another heartbreak; I need a serious relationship…’

I was going to dispel the thought that having a good/serious relationship is not easy as my Bestie worried one evening that she’s not been attracting any ‘good guy’.

Many times, we don’t often get what we want; True- but we often get what we are. This saying borders on viewing oneself as a product in a competitive market. Before you
can discover something worth your attention, you must be attentive yourself. Interestingly, men have issues in relationship as females do, no matter how conspicuous they are, the irony is that they will still not
catch the attention of any ‘man’.
People some times say ‘this is not me’ – I don’t wear this, I can’t just wear it because it’s not just not me.

The first thing to do after identifying oneself as a product in the relationship market, is creating your brand.

That which is best about you is ‘YOU’ and nothing else. Your brand is not defined by what you eat, who your parents are, the music you listen e.t.c but your single identity as a separate entity. Have you ever
asked yourself who you really are? What kind of experience do you communicate people about YOU? In a market, branding is what distinguishes product A from product B.

Therefore, in the world of female folks have I found four Unique products – ‘the girl’, ‘the lady’, ‘the woman’ and ‘the tomboy’. Out of
these four, only one builds to last and that is ‘the woman’. At a notable time in a woman’s life, she’s got to man-hunt, trust me, it is only by knowing herself that will make her
distinguish ‘the boy’ and ‘the sissy’ from the man.

However, the key to distinguishing oneself for a long-lasting relationship is knowing your personality value which is embedded in your brand. Now get this right, a man’s personality is not defined by his supposed knee-weakling 6 packs or growing a forestful beard; he is however identified by his maturity and not age; devotion, commitment, handling responsibilities, dedication,
intelligence, understanding and many more.

All these qualities are also applicable in marking out ‘ the woman’. Therefore to build your own brand, you must be yourself and nobody else, know your likes and dislikes, do what you want, say what you want to say and regret it later, get some standards – all these will make a beautiful ‘YOU’.

A sales assistant introduced a new cooking oil to my mother at her store and when she used it to cook her jollof rice that night, it tasted as if she added chicken. You know what, whenever her customers come, she would talk about the oil that makes her food smell Chiken-ish, over and over again. Then
the buyers’ curiousity are heightened and they begin to inquire about the oil, the price and all. And this brings us to packaging.

Even after building your brand, you need to sell it out to the world, remember it’s a market, and that which does it so well is the your packaging.

The way you talk , what you wear, who you walk with , the type of music you listen to, what you enjoy doing, where you can be found, what you can be trusted with and many more all determines who gets your attention- whether a boy/man or a woman/ girl as the case may be.

In brief, appearance and visuals only do not determine YOU; the things that define you are embedded in who you really are, what you stand for, what you can do, where you are, where you go to and finally how you carry yourself. Building your brand is the key to your success, in having a serious relationship. You want someone to be nice to you, then be nice yourself. You want someone to like something about you, like it first; you want someone to love you, love your self. Be who you are and you will get what you deserve.

Thursday, 13 October 2016


“To be always intending to make a new and better life but never to find time to set about it is as to put off eating and drinking and sleeping from one day to the next until you're dead”-  Og Mandino.

Each day is a little life: every waking and rising a little birth, every fresh morning a little youth, every going to rest and sleep a little death. Sleep they say is as vital tool for survival just as food entails , because your immune system repairs and strengthens while you sleep, regularly sleeping over eight hours may be a sign of a serious health risk. While it is important to get enough sleep, it is possible to get too much sleep, which can affect your health.
While sleeping, chances are, you’re more likely to burn the midnight oil to finish all your work than you are to pass up dinner, as your immune system repairs and strengthen up more while you sleep. But chronic lack of sleep can lead to a host of health problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, depression, irregular hormone production, a weakened immune system, memory lapses, constant irritability, and decreased concentration and reaction times.
It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it. Lack of sleep can make you constantly want to eat more, or persistently feel like you’re not hungry. It throws off your internal clock, resulting in abnormal feelings which are why so many people lose or gain weight during periods of sleeplessness.

Your brain needs sleep to refresh and regenerate. Without it, your short-term memory may be impaired, which is why pulling an all-nighter rarely yields better results than getting quality shut-eye. However, come Friday or Saturday night, you may work a party, but as long as you’re sleep-deficient, coming up with witty or even coherent, one-liners is out of the question.

While oversleeping feels like a treat on the weekend, regularly sleeping too much is actually a sign that there may be a medical problem at play. People who sleep more than eight hours a day have a higher risk for a stroke compared with people who sleep six to eight hours. Speculation has it that long nights of sleep may be linked to increased inflammation, which can eventually lead to cardiovascular problems.

If you like to sleep in on the weekends, don’t fret. Occasionally spending extra time in bed is likely not a bad sign, experts say, but when it becomes a regular habit, it might be worth checking out. For now, the researchers of the new study say their findings need further investigation, and priority should be given to understanding the underlying mechanisms. Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.


 ‘’Money has never made man happy, nor will it; there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants’’ -  Benjamin Franklin

 Yes! Something is responsible for the degeneration and deterioration of many individuals today. This thing in question is responsible for why we are top on the corruption index. It is the same thing responsible for why the poor remain poor though not their wish.

 It is the same reason why the rich here is over-rich and would aspire to be called the richest in the world if given a slightest chance. After all, many on this earth are already rich in Africa-out of enslaving the masses. Yet, this thing is responsible for why we have leaders who fight instead of reason.

 It is responsible for why we have graduates that do not know how to spell their names, not to talk of effectiveness and accuracy in office. At this point, I know you have a question you want to ask me and it is what is this thing called? the thing that has taken us as a show of shame and slavery.

Money has made us slaves such that we now worship, adore and praise it more than we cherish good name (if not our names, then Nigerias). Money as powerful as it is put nooses on the necks of some; it drags them like goats for slaughter. No special definition for money due to its special recognition as a general voice used daily. Many have turned it and made it a gods and tends to be demonic.

The rulers (not leaders now) on top are slaves of money such that they embezzle even for generations unborn at the spate of democracy -yes, democracy of kleptocracy.  They embezzle to sharpen their ego too and now that the 2015 election draws near, they all yean to get what they want with money.

O MONEY, thou art wicked! While our rulers finger the national treasury, the peasants wished to be rich but no means to such wish, he would die on bad roads,  his male children would be used as political mercenaries in the next election, his female children will hawk what is under their skirts, he would remain in darkness(physical darkness) if not for eternity, his children again would be exploited by uncalled lecturers for good grades, cannibalized by police-slaves,  director-slaves, executive officer-slaves and all kinds of slaves.

In this time of slavery, the world knows Nigeria to be slave. Robert Mugabe last year in Zimbabwe fires, are we now like Nigeria where you have to reach your pocket to get anything done? You see, we used to go to Nigeria and every time we went there, we had to carry extra cash in our pockets to corruptly pay for everything. You get into a plane in Nigeria and you sit there and the crew keeps dilly dallying without taking off as they want you to pay them to fly the plane(the Nation, march 23,2014 Back page).

 So a brother in Africa could have eyes so sharp like an eagle to know that we also have aero-slaves? Now political-slaves call for his head? Did Mandela not cry enough? Did Fela not cry enough? Did Achebe not cry?
Did they not cry for us money-slaves to leave the path we chose-the path of adoration of money, the path of destruction, destruction of good names and destruction of Nigeria ultimately.

It is time Nigerians, stand up, brace up, shun money slavery, and embrace honesty as honesty is the best policy to a greater Nigeria.



This possibly will describe the lifestyles of people working in a financial institution as bankers.  Without doubt, banking profession is an honorable and enviable one. It is a profession that is well respected and everyone sees you as being trustworthy, responsible, meticulous and mature.
Personally, I was fascinated to be a banker while I was a teenager. This resulted from the childhood perception I had then as regards what would become all the monies being deposited in the bank. I strongly and erroneously believed they would be shared among the bank’s staff from time to time. Now, I know better that banking profession is beyond my infantile imagination. Then, I also liked the corporate environment, the air-conditioned banking halls in few banks, and the well-dressed banking officials.

The matured grown up perception that finally made me to toll the banking profession as a career was due to corporate outlook supposedly financial buoyancy. But, now I have understood that being a banker does not guarantee your financial freedom but the wisdom not to live about your means should be our watchword.

When you work in a bank, irrespective of your position or take home pay, it is assumed that you have money. This assumption maybe true as you can be said to be comfortable, independent, and possibly save money, if you have a good saving culture. The upfront and access to other staff’s incentives like loan, lease e.t.c, may also lend credence to the people’s assumption.

 Unfortunately, this ill-fated misconception of people and easy access to the incentives mentioned earlier on have made some bankers to live beyond their income. There is, therefore, need to check ourselves in our journey so far, as bankers. I stand to be corrected and criticized, so as to learn as well, as we sincerely rub minds together. When you just got your job as banker weren’t you so excited? It was like you were on to a new height. You soliloquized,’ I am now 50% above poverty, goodbye to lack, wants and being dependent on your family or friends. Isn’t it?

   Yes! But the truth is many of us are carried away with the new status and we fail to manage the little or much we earn as the case maybe. We flaunt around with the latest, trendy and expensive gadgets, jewelries, suits, shoes and some other frivolities. We are happy collecting loan facilities to purchase expensive cars and other things that are irrelevant, hoarding our rented apartment with 3D TVs and other expensive home appliances. We use at least two expensive mobile phones with frequent recharging. Latest technology is good but should not be a do or die possession. You begin to live a life that is not yours. They call it swagger or effissy’, or is it packaging? I advise a break should be applied on such spending spree before your today’s swagger causes you to stagger and fall eventually tomorrow.

    It’s mind throbbing and shocking at this period of no job security from the top executives to the lowest cadre in the banking profession. Some bankers, who fully understand the concept of economics and investment, will spend heavily on cars or other frivolities worth millions of naira. This is done with no alternative or plan B in place. This is a time bomb of financial tragedy ticking away ready detonate! It seems unimaginable that a banker with no other source of income or financial succour will embark on a journey of exorbitance on liabilities rather than assets.
  The bitter truth is that those you want to impress by your show of packaged luxury might even be well off than you. In a chat recently with some of the security personnel in a bank in Lagos, the responses I got were encouraging because majority of them have at least half a plot of land in some locations like Mowe, Ibafo, Ikorodu e.t.c. Some have developed theirs. Few lease out the parcel of land for farming and livestock rearing. Some have commercial buses which give them returns. Is there any other way in which your money can work for you other than this? Such people have confidence of sustenance even if they are shown the way out of their security job.
I was so impressed when I heard this because many professional bankers never thought of securing a plot of land in those areas. They used the remoteness of such areas as their excuses. They continue referring to those places as remote areas disregarding the fact that cities like Lekki, Victoria Island, Ikoyi and Surulere were once remote areas, before being developed over time. We love enriching landlords’ pocket and most landlords especially in Lagos prefer letting out their houses to a banker or an oil company worker, because they feel secured even if they increase the rent yearly, bankers and oil workers will definitely pay.

 It is rather unfortunate that for some of us are literally working for money tirelessly, day and night. For these set of people, losing their only source of livelihood, will simply spell:                       F-I-N-A-N-C-I-A-L   D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R!

The reason the life of some bankers is always miserable anytime the company disengaged or advised them to resign, is that they find it so difficult to cope with their lifestyles. The reality of life starts to catch up with them very fast and hard. A top management staff in the industry as a senior manager was advised to resign, and to my surprise she started lamenting seriously, saying the bank had killed her and wondering where she would start from. I easily deduced her main worry from that outburst: she had little or no PLAN B. And, that she would lose the position of a senior manager, with official car with a driver, ease of securing a loan, child education support, vacation abroad and other perks at the expense of the bank, is simply unimaginable.

These lacks of future plan clearly explain the words of A.R Bernard a Spiritual leader ‘If you don’t have a vision for the future, then your future is threatened to be a repeat of the past’                                    
    A lot of bankers are easily carried away with the winds of some activities in the industry which are not relevant. They have forgotten that they are not indispensable and that with or without them the bank will go on. They should know that they are not rooted in the place but to be seen as part of their journey. Developing our career is advised but each one of us is also born with array of abilities exceptional to one. Unfortunately, only a few are actually putting theirs to use. You should think and explore the talent within for success and plan for an alternative from the day you got an appointment in the bank in order to accomplish your goal in life.

This brings to mind the quotation of Brendan Francis Behan who was an Irish poet ‘If you have a talent, use it in every way possible. Don’t dole it out like a miser. Spend it lavishly like a millionaire intent on going broke’.

In this banker’s cycle, relationship is not left out. Some people savings are literally on different bevy of beautiful ladies. Some lady bankers are in ‘managing’ relationship with the assumption that available finance will make it better. The worst scenario is for such lady to fall prey of a gold digger, jealous or betrayal of a husband or fiancé. By the time the dust is settled, fortune and friends might have gone already. If the spouse seems faithful, the actual measure of its degree can only be ascertained when the job is no more. The real foundation on which the relationship was built would therefore come to light. If it was on true love, marital bliss would be sustained and, if otherwise, marital crisis would be inevitable.

In conclusion, we should overcome the temptation of buying things that are not necessary. The full realization that we are not indispensable to the bank should ginger us to intensify the plans toward the future and to enable us harness our talents as soon as possible for sustainable alternative options. Prudence and moderation should also be our standard to acquisition of our needs, not wants. Let build our relationship on a long-standing core values which can weather the storm and the test of time.

Peter Oluwatosin Odofin is a Publisher, Writer, Blogger, an Entrepreneur and a career coach . He is currently the president of National Association of Aspiring Bankers of Nigeria (NAABN). also MD/CEO of Pet -Dof International Consulting Limited which is into Educational Consulting, Career & Self development, Travels& Tours , Branding and Publishing.

What Make-up Does To Your Face

Most women have a love or hate brace with makeup. When applied correctly, it can transform your face, highlighting your best features while masking any shortcomings. Unfortunately, it takes time to master tricky beauty products like liquid eyeliner and a full makeup routine can mean extra time in the bathroom.

Still makeup provides an important service: improving your appearance but what do all the gels and products really do to your skin? And with so many skin types, skin conditions, and so many skin-care products touting miraculous results, how do you know which makeup is right for you?

Makeup won’t cause a major disaster although some products can cause skin reactions, though those are rarely severe or long-lasting. If you have an adverse reaction, learn how your makeup is affecting your skin. That requires some self-education about your skin type and about the products you put on it – all things your dermatologist can help you with.

Allergic reactions to common cosmetic-product ingredients can come in two types: irritant contact dermatitis (an itching or burning reaction to a product irritating the skin), and allergic contact dermatitis (more of a “true” allergy to specific ingredients that results in swelling, itching, or blisters]. Substances, fragrances or preservatives in makeup and other skin-care products are typically the cause of adverse reactions.

Many people use makeup to cover acne and spots, but they should know that some products can actually cause pimples and other blemishes. If you are diligent about removing your makeup at the end of the day, or immediately after exercise, you are unlikely to have trouble. However, certain oils in many cosmetics can cause or worsen acne. This common type of acne, appropriately called acnecosmetica, is mild and characterised by blocked pores and reddened bumps on the chin, cheeks and forehead. Acne cosmetica occurs when oils from your makeup collect in and clog your pores, so thick liquid or cream products are often the culprits.

To reduce the risk of these reactions, become an avid reader of ingredients. Look for products that are labelled hypoallergenic they are less likely to cause allergic reactions, non comedogenic are less likely to block pores and non acnegenic are less likely to cause acne. Opt for makeup products that are fragrance- and oil-free. These ingredients are typically the most irritating to the skin.

Facial masks and scrubs are effective for exfoliating and softening your skin, but most experts agree that they do little, if anything, to improve acne. A gentle, non-abrasive cleanser that’s formulated for your skin type whether oily, dry or some combination will do more to keep your face free of blemishes.

If you develop any kind of reaction soon after you begin using a new makeup product that is a major red flag. Stop using that particular product, and check with your dermatologist. With a good skin-care routine and quality products remember, a little makeup usually goes a long way, you can help prevent negative reactions. Now you just need to find the extra time to apply.

Be cautious with the make ups you see in order to have a sense of wellbeing. Too much of everything , they say it’s bad.


HUSBAND SCARCITY has become one of the challenges faced by many women today, if you go to prayer houses, majority of the intentions are prayer for life partner. And this calls for concern.
Going memory lane to the time of our mothers and grandmothers was there really much of a "husband scarcity'' problem? Or maybe there were more men than women then, or there were adequate corresponding numbers of both genders. I don't think so. Maybe then, the women had values and were prepared to build a home and not pack into already built home.

What am i really trying to insinuate? We created what we now see as "husband scarcity'' for ourselves. Today, the reverse is the case. Ask an average girl to define her dream husband - you hear things like "he has to be tall handsome, dark and rich, own a house at least and be presentable'' and then she adds "God fearing'' in order not to sound so worldly. What a wonderful dream! Then check the number of women around you and the number of men that can meet standard and you will see the problem.

The problem is that the description majority of ladies give of their ideal man is virtually the same when 50 ladies want the same kind of man and the man that fits what they want is just one man and the decided to pick one, then what becomes of 49 others? They start lamenting of "husband scarcity''.

In the face of our economy to find a man who is of marriage age who possesses all this things these ladies want, legally (except those involved in illicit way of getting money) and even the numbers of these men involved in this illegal act is not enough to match all those searching for already made husband and besides most of them are not husband materials. If you look around, majority of the ladies of substance in good value and virtue and who are ready to build a home with a man who has prospects are married and not complaining of "husband scarcity''.

Now, what is the solution to "husband scarcity''? The easiest way to find a husband now, is to change your view of who a husband is. A husband is that man God created then saw that it may be hard for him to really actualize his purpose for creating him, without a help mate and then made the woman and gave to him and he felt complete and fulfilled.

“MARRIAGE IS NOT A POVERTY ALLEVIATION PROGRAM” It is a mission of building the family that will serve God here on earth and is a benefit to mankind. For those who see marriage as a way out of women are HOME BUILDERS, not HOME WARMERS, DON'T CONFUSE A MAN'S PATH WITH HIS DESTINY. Where he is today may only be a route to where God has destined him to be tomorrow.

Sometimes the lady MAY BE THE ONLY FAST MEANS TO THAT MAN’S DESTINATION. Join in alleviating "Husband scarcity'' PICK UP THE RIGHT VALUES.I am not saying that you should pick anyone that comes your way and start talking about marriage. REMEMBER NOT ALL MEN ARE HUSBAND MATERIALS.

Relax, pray to God, seek direction, get counsel and trust God at all things. Wedding is a day but marriage is forever. God did not just create EVE for creating sake. He created her for ADAM'S need to be met. Likewise you (all ladies) you were not created for creating sake (unless God has a special calling on you) you were all created to meet a particular man's need and THAT MAN MAY BE THAT ONE THAT DOESN'T FIT INTO YOUR "EXORBITANT STANDARD'' do not despise or look down on any man, because it doesn't take God a second to turn around someone destiny, a man not so rich or an average man in DECEMBER, God can bless him to be very rich by JANUARY.

Obanla Adedotun Peter.
Department: civil engineering.
Federal University of Technology, Minna

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Our Courtship Story

It all started with an innocent walk around Louisville, Kentucky on a cold January afternoon in 2003. Aaron and Lindsay were both attending a New Attitude conference with other youth and parents from their church. Aaron first began to notice Lindsay while she was taking pictures around town. Not really sure what had just happened, he began to pray about it and plan out his strategy. Lindsay had no idea of Aaron’s interest for quite some time, but the interest started to grow as they individually began preparing to participate in a short term mission to the Dominican Republic that August.

Lindsay: Before the trip we were serving as a stateside support team for our missionary friends in the DR and I began to admire Aaron’s diligent and responsible nature. In the DR I enjoyed observing him interact with the children, and how he loved to worship and serve others. My admiration started to grow, although I was completely clueless of his interest in me, for a short time, that is.

Aaron did not begin to express his interest, desiring to wait for the opportune moment. New Attitude 2004 came along and Lindsay began noticing along with several others who had already noticed Aaron’s subtle attention. The topic of the conference just happened to be on marriage!

Lindsay: After the conference Aaron and I began conversing more on the phone and at gatherings of friends. Aaron was a huge support to me during this time.

After much prayer and counsel from others, Aaron decided to take the plunge and approach Lindsay’s father, Mr. Taylor, and ask about beginning a relationship with Lindsay. This took place on a sunny Saturday morning in June.

Lindsay: I was preparing to take a two month mission trip to Cambodia that summer, and really wanted this time to be focused on my relationship with the Lord. I had just graduated from high school and wanted to seek out God’s will for my life. It was a difficult decision to make but my dad I decided that we should hold off on our relationship for that period of time.

Aaron: I almost went insane! But while she was gone, I wrote her letters that I gave to her later. She really liked that. ;D

After Lindsay’s return in September, Aaron and his family joined the Taylor’s during their vacation to the beach. It was a frigid evening when the father’s gave the hint for Aaron to take Lindsay out on a walk on the beach. “Was this the time?” Aaron wondered. He began to slowly but surely express his sincere interest in pursuing a relationship with her. What a beautiful day! September 19, 2004 began our 15 1/2 month courtship.

Aaron began to invade the Taylor’s home once a week for dinner and an evening with the family while getting to know Lindsay more. This whole process was very new to them so it took time to get comfortable around each other.

Lindsay: God laid it on both our hearts to purpose to keep our relationship centered on the Lord. We wanted to be used by God to encourage and challenge each other in our walks with the Lord. I am so thankful for the ways Aaron lead me in studying the Bible together along with other books, memorizing Scripture, and serving on the worship team together. Our relationship was not free from bumps along the way, but the Lord was always there to give me peace that this was of the Lord. Over the next several months our relationship grew steadily. Aaron was always very thoughtful and celebrated every one of our monthaversaries (the 19th date of every month from the beginning of our courtship !

May 2005 takes Lindsay back to Cambodia with a short term team. July 2005 takes the Taylor family on a road trip to Utah. A whole month apart! But thankfully Aaron was able to fly out and join them for a few days, and they were able to explore the Grand Canyon and Zion National Park together.

September 19th marks one year! In celebration of the event, you might think we’re crazy, but we went out on our very first date to a fine Italian restaurant.

Soon after the first date, Aaron knew that Lindsay was the one. He began planning away for how he would “pop the question” (after getting the OK from Lindsay’s dad). It all was put into action on a cold December evening.

Aaron: The plan was to go on a double date with Lindsay’s brother, Steve, and his wife, Larissa. They knew what was going on. Steve ended up coming home from work really late (conveniently) and Larissa still needed to get their son ready (also very convenient). So Lindsay and I took off for the restaurant (just as planned).

It was a Friday night so I thought this restaurant right on the Columbian waterfront would be crowded, so when we got there I went in to see how long the wait was. There was no wait at all(!) which would have been great if we were really going to eat there but not so good for what I had planned. I went back to the car where Lindsay was and told her that we had some time to kill and I just happened to have brought an umbrella, so we went for a little stroll down the Columbian waterfront. We didn’t go far before I asked her if she wanted to take a seat on one of the benches there. I read her a note that I had prepared and at the very end I told her “I love you” for the first time. It was amazing! Then I got down on my knee and pulled out the ring…

We went out to dinner to a nice restaurant and went back to her house where both of our families were waiting.

Lindsay: I thought for sure he would never be able to surprise me! By the way, I did say ‘Yes!’

And so we were happily married on May 21, 2006. And our story continues on, following in the path that God us called us to.

Edited:Fruitful Cornerstones


Now, it is very common for women
to go into marriage with some
crazy beliefs and ideologies. I’ve
met those who believe that it is
normal for men to have flings here
and there. They even tell you to
prepare your mind so you won’t
have heart attack. The most
important thing is for you to be
oblivious of it. He is free to do it
but he should keep his condoms far
from the reach of your eyeballs.

That way you’re safe. Whoever
blinded the heart of women? You
may not altogether agree with my
stance but I am writing as a
Christian and a custodian of truth. I
don’t care about what tradition has
to say on this matter, we all know
it is a wrong concept, even our
conscience will testify to it.

The world is just going crazy, a lot
of philosophies are springing up
daily. The social media
disseminates plenty of this craze
and if you aren’t careful, you won’t
even know what is wrong and what
is right. We need to remind
ourselves that even if our moral
values are depleting on a daily
basis, it doesn’t mean we should
embrace error because it’s the fad
of the day.

In the first place, why would you
go into marriage with this kind of
belief? That’s a faulty way to lay
your foundation. I have said before
and I will say again that we cannot
totally absolve ourselves from most
of the injustice meted out to
women today. I see the way some
mothers train their men today and I
shake my head in pity. In some
homes, the mothers will say boys
don’t do house chores. Some others
train them to be bullies. They beat
up their female siblings and instead
of teaching them how bad it is to
raise their hand against a female,
the mother will tell the girl, “didn’t
you know he was a boy?” and the
boy continues to use his strength
negatively. Some mothers will buy
condoms for their teenage boys but
warn the girls to have self-control.

If women in my generation believe
that men will always be unfaithful
to their spouses, won’t they
transfer the same beliefs to their
daughters and sons? When will this
cycle of rottenness break? The key
to making a positive change is in
your hands woman. Train your kids
to be responsible children. Train
them to have self-control. Let them
know that immorality and adultery
is wrong.

Teach them to become
responsible fathers and mothers.
Let the next generation of men and
women be beautifully different
because you dared to show them
the path of truth, justice and
righteousness. If you and I can
stand for what is right, I think this
world will be a better place.

And yes, until we go back to the
author of our lives to see his plan
and purpose for marriage and we
follow his guidelines, we may
never get it all right in our homes,
society, nation and world at large.

Written by


Every girl in here who has become a lady, mother, wife etc, hear ye! hear ye!...I appreciate you all immensely for your contribution to our world. You guys are the reason we men have our emotions running and we call ourselves "MEN".

Without you guys, we have no one to flex our ego on or offload our emotions and feelings. You take our bullshit with every iota of respect, you stomach what a man can't, you carry burdens that weighs more than your weight, you express love from the inside. You submit to a man not because you're a slave but because it's your God given mandate.

Whenever you're under appreciated or looked down on, look up and look to Him who fearfully and wonderfully created you. No one is better than you for we all created with awesomeness.

You've been sharing from the garden of eden. Always eager to share your success and discovery with those closest to. I can only imagine if you ate the apple alone and didn't share with men. Thank for not being greedy even though your action brought sin and opened our eyes.

To every girl, lady, wife, mother, every female entity....I appreciate you this day.

Thank you.


After so many thoughts on hoping for love and praying for love, after all the dreaming of love and wishing for love. I have finally decided not to put my life on hold waiting for love, hence the decision to remain SINGLE FOREVER. Any sense of absurdity? Not at all!

A little patience in going through this article will convey the sensibility of this decision.

In the words of Mandy Hale “Being Single is not a lack of options – but a choice. A choice to refuse to let your life be defined by your relationship status but to live everyday happily and let your ever after work itself out.

In the shortest form, Single-ness is having a sense of purpose. Just an awareness or consciousness that you were created on purpose for a purpose will influence your status and a decision to discover what that
purpose is will go a long way in paving way for a fulfilling future.

Singleness shouldn’t just be a relationship status but a status of purpose. Remaining single forever therefore should imply a sense
of focus and purpose even after marriage.

If there is a creation then there is a creator and the creator has a purpose, a reason, an intention of creating everything there is in the creation including you. And the purpose for the creation of each determines its design.

In essence, you have been designed to accomplish something. There is a seasoning effect in you that can transform the world. You are impregnated with something to replenish the earth and there is something in you that needs to be vomited out to make the world a
better place. Find out what it is!
The easiest way to know the quality of a material is to meet its manufacturer, in like manner the easiest way to find and discover
the purpose of a being is to meet the creator and develop a good relationship with Him, contact me if you have a problem doing that.
It is much more easier to be fulfilled in marriage when you and your spouse are “single” (with a sense of purpose). Because whether directly or indirectly it has a great influence on the destinies and purposes of
your children. Countless married couples without a sense of fulfillment exist today most likely because their single lives were spent
solely on waiting for love!

Mind you, Waiting for love isn’t the problem, but defining your life by your relationship status without a sense of purpose is the danger.

It has been said that the abuse of a thing is inevitable when the purpose is not known.

Aren’t you one of those single men wandering around trying to woo every single lady just to have a “married” relationship status? My
single ladies why the decision to abuse yourself, trying to impose yourself on a man just to have a ring on your finger? Haven’t you heard that a busy, vibrant, goal oriented
man or woman is so much more attractive than a man or woman who waits around for others to validate his or her existence? Single? Its good if that’s not just a
relationship status but a status travelling to destiny.

Soon walking down the aisle? It’s better to go Single filed (purposeful).
Married? It’s best to consider singleness (purpose) for fulfillment.
Discover your purpose today!!!

Written by:

Teniara Morning Tea - October 12th, 2016

_The most effective way to do it, is to do it._

_Amelia Earhart_

*```Instead of pondering what the best strategy is to get something done,  you just do it.  When you focus on getting it done you'll ways to get it done better as you're getting it done. So much time can be wasted on a project or a task jst by becoming overwhelmed with the size or the difficulty of it. When you get into the mindset of just doing it,  no matter what it involves,  you'll find that the tasks becomes easier and everything flows. ```*

Brightdrops Inspirational Quotes For Women

More articles, visit:

Teniara _ Beautifying Women World

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Teniara Morning Tea - September 9th, 2016

_*A woman is the full circle Within her is the power to create,  nurture and transform.*_ 
~Diana Mariechild~

```It's pretty amazing being a woman,  you have all of the essentials for life without you.  You're a very nurturing force, and not only have the power to create life,  but to incubate it and deliver it to the world. 

On an individual level you're able to change and become whatever you want, growing and developing into the life that you choose.  It's an amazing experience and one that you'll want to create consciously rather than letting others decide what sort of life you'll have. Never forget that you have these powers within you.

More fascinating articles, visit:

Teniara _ Beautifying Women World

Saturday, 8 October 2016

TENIARA MORNING TEA - September 8th, 2016

You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are. "Melissa Etheridge

This is a beautiful quote that will help you realize just how powerful you really are and to stop spending so much time trying to become beautiful. You already are beautiful, and the power you possess will reveal.                         itself over your life time. It's enough to know that you have power, and that it will continue to grow and expand as you allow it. The good news is that realizing you're beautiful just as you are alright now is the first step to harnessing the power within you and accomplishing more in life.

More fascinating articles, visit:

Teniara - Beautifying Women World .

Friday, 7 October 2016

It is CONVENTIONAL to say follow a MAN with Vision Women

For the Ladies in the World!

It is CONVENTIONAL to say follow a MAN with Vision Women

But take heed unless you fall for fluke vision
There are many out there with No Direction & Sense of Purpose!
Look for a Consistent Man
Seek mentally strong men with a clear sense of purpose!
Trust the capabilities of a man with a laser based FOCUS that cannot be shaken
Don’t fall for the sweet aroma of a man’s word!

Don’t go for a man that believes tomorrow will be great when his today doesn’t exactly portend a future that will be bright anytime soon
Don’t fall in LOVE with money, fame or materials substance
They will fade away
All that will be left is yours and his Genuine LOVE for you!

Be a stronger woman that supports her MAN!
Go for a MAN that is not afraid to let you LEAD your Dreams
Never settle for LESS
Go for the best!

Encourage the man that has shown consistency based on results
There are too many men with dreams that change like the way their dressing changes everyday
Stay away from such men!

Getting married is good
I would rather you are single than be in an abusive relationship
Physical abuse
Financial abuse
Social abuse
Emotional abuse
Spiritual abuse
Psychological abuse
Dignity abuse!
Keep SUCH MEN far from YOU!

When you notice a trend you don’t admire in a man
Rather than think you can change him
Walk away
It’s not by force!

Women, Go and Learn how to PRAY!
Prayer is the WEAPON that will enable you enjoy a lasting and blissful relationship or Marriage!
Marriage or even relationship no be BEANS & BREAD!

EldaDavid be my Name


LET IT OUT............
Ever wonder how nice it would be,
If we try to let all out? ,
The grudges we bear out,
The things that make us worry,
The past we can’t let go,
The future we dream of,
To let out the way we feel,
What we think, what we believe,
Cause, holding it in, is like trying to walk around, carrying a load,
Compared to walking empty handed, the movement won’t be as fast, and not as easy, LET IT ALL OUT..........

Many families will be united and many friends will be at peace with each other,
Cause the source of most misunderstanding,  
Seems to be expecting other to know how one feel,
And people we say, “Can’t he/she take the hint’’ ?
Many are too busy in there world,
They don’t know what you expect them to do,
It’s not like they don’t care,
They just don’t know.
LET IT OUT............ 

Neither is everyone a mind reader, nor is everyone able to predict things easily,
If we can endeavor to say it as it is,
We will be at peace, and so will everyone around us,
LET IT OUT.....................


One fascinating thing I like about Africans is that they always make good use of every opportunity to explore in a bid to yield amazing benefit for them. Africans has taken special interest in Moringa Tree. Women should never leave moringa oh. 

The leaves of Moringa Tree have a lot of benefits and the seed is another wonderful super food as the taste of the pudding is in the eating.  
It is particularly interesting due to its low calorie content.  Moringa seed can be chewed raw and taken down after 45 minutes with a glass of water.
Here are health benefits and general great attributes of Moringa:

1. It’s sweet, and easy to incorporate into your diet.
2. It’s almost with zero calories
It is usually consumed raw, contributing to its digestibility
3. It is a source of vitamins A, C B- complex and other disease fighting antioxidants like zinc
4. Obviously helpful in lowering cholesterol
5. Combats constipation effectively
Helpful in preventing diabetes due to its high zinc content, though it’s sweet
6. Possesses anti-inflammatory properties, helpful in combating inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and other such conditions
7. Strengthens immune system due to its high vitamin A content and brightens vision
8. No doubt the seeds are good sources of oleic acid, necessary for maintaining good health
9. Noticeably, it is rich in iron, calcium, magnesium and other minerals like copper.

It is rich in vitamin C, an important antioxidant in maintaining wellness.
Moringa seeds are known to also benefit the skin and hair too.

Women, Please take Moringa


“It takes a great deal of
courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends.” ~ J. K. Rowling.

It does take courage to make a stand and go
up against your enemies, but what happens when it’s your friends that you have to stand up to? This is when it becomes very hard indeed to go against the grain and stand up for what you believe is right. So many times young women are lured into what their group of friends is saying or doing, even when they
know it’s not right.

It may end up that you’re not friends with those people anymore, but you’ll make new friends that share your

More fascinating articles, visit:

Teniara - Beautifying Women World.

Friday, 23 September 2016

Omo Alaje' - The One Who has the Benevolence of the goddess of Wealth.

Omo Alaje,

Okuta trembles at your enthralling voice,

so does it fall apart before you like Dagon fell before the ark.

Your smile infects instantly at contact like Ebola,

initiating impulse buys by your enticed customers.


Omo Alaje,

the market envies your opulence,

some tag you a whizz, some a witch.

The market leader’s miscarriages are your doings; they blurt.


Omo Alaje,

tell them how Eledua backed you up to whop

ori buruku  in a bout,

Tell them how you singly floored atowo denu,

the dreaded profit eater and incurred the plethora of Aje.
Omo Alaje,

Your tender fingers have been anointed with

the sacred ‘poop’ of ‘Lekeleke’.

Your eyes harbour a spell which it casts on passers-by,

halting their footsteps, as your raconteuring voice calls out

“Temi-ni-e-wo Temi-ni-e-ra”.



even your beauty inholds charm that hexes

young merchants, bringing them all back again,

all in the bid to own your gracefulness in its entirety.

Even baba Risikat the bald headed tycoon,

heard of your wealth in beauty and possession,

tried to add you to his league of wives.

Who would resist your charm, Omo alaje, Awelewa.

They know not who Alamu the sculpture maker is to you.


Omo Alaje,

Efunsetan’s wealth licks the dust off the feet of yours,

yet,  humility engulfs you, as you joy most in your patronizers

as they swarm your conglomerate as ants to sugar.

In variety, goods flock in to be carted out in a jiffy via buyers,

Despite credit services, your profits know no bounds.

Ajenirun will eat till its bursts out of constipation,

without accomplishing a minute of its renown mission.


Omo Alaje,

Riri says she saw your persistent trials

in the womb of oceans, while Airi attested to hearing

your cries dance in Orunmila’s ears each season,

which facilitated his hearkening to you from

his holy mountains. Shame on your detractors.

Triplets you conceived.


And as a hungry man devours a plate of food,

Aje jowo maa bugba mi je.


I am Omo Alaje, Aje’s abode.



Airi– The one who didn’t see

Riri– the one who saw

Atowo denu– from hand to mouth

Aje– goddess of wealth

Ajenirun– the devourer

Okuta– state of no sales

Lekeleke– bird of luck

Omo Alaje– Daughter of the goddess of wealth.

Aje jowo maa bugba mi je– goddess of wealth, kindly always grant me abundant sales .

Temi-ni-e-wo Temi-ni-e-ra– “Check my own goods, buy my own goods.”

Written By

Tejuoso Olamide Mary

Sunday, 18 September 2016


Dave and Clara have been
married 4 over nine years
without children. They
stayed with each other
and hoped that they will
have a child before their
10th year of marriage
because they were being
persuaded by family and
some friends to get a
divorce but they couldn’t
let go because of the love
between them.

Months and
while Dave was returning
from work one day, he
saw his wife walking down
the road with a man and
they looked happy.

Another evening, while
Dave was coming back
from work, he saw the
same man drop her off at
the house. Dave became
angry and sad.

Two days
later, after a hectic day at
work, Dave was taking
water with a glass jug
when the phone rang. He
picked it up and the
person said ‘hello dear, I’ll
be coming to your house
this evening to see you as
promised. I hope .....’’
and then Dave hung up the

It was a male
voice. He was sure the
person was the man he
had seen with his wife. He
suddenly became shaky
with this thought, ‘’Have I lost my wife to another
man?’’ At that point, the
glass jug fell from his
hand and shattered into

Then Clara came running
into the room asking, ‘’Is
everything okay?’’ In anger
he gave his wife a push
and she fell. She wasn’t
moving or getting up.

Dave then realised that
she fell where he broke
the glass jug and a large
piece of glass has pierced
her. He felt her breath,
pulse and heartbeat but
there she lay lifeless. His
wife was dead.

In total confusion, he saw an
envelope in her hand. He
took it, opened it and was
shocked by its content. It
was a letter and it reads:

‘’ My loving husband,
words cannot express
how I feel, so i had to write it down. I have been going to see a doctor for over a week and wanted to be sure before I give you the news. The doctor confirmed it that I am
pregnant with a twin and
our babies are due in 7
months from now.

The doctor also happen to be
my long lost brother whom I lost contact with after our marriage. He has promised to take care of me and our babies and give us the best without collecting a dime.

He also promised to have dinner with us today. Thanks to you for standing by
me...... your loving wife.

As the letter fell from
Dave’s hand, there was a
knock at the door and it
was the same man he had
seen with his wife... and
he said ......’’ hello Dave, I
suppose am right, am
Max, your wife’s brother.....’’And suddenly
he noticed his sister in the
pool of her blood .... he
rushed her to his hospital
but it was too late, his
sister, Dave’s wife was
gone and so were the

In our relationships,
which include our
marriage, we should not
be too quick in reacting
when we haven’t questioned our partner or spouse on what we saw or heard about them.

Communication, Trust and
Patience are rare gifts we
can bring to our relationship.

Not everything we see or
hear or believe is right
about them.

And to every man or woman on dis platform, I pray that patience will have her
perfect way in you and you will want nothing because patience is that great virtue you need to keep any relationship working.
Enjoy your day in God today. Ciao!

Thursday, 15 September 2016


I was raped at the age of 9 yet am one of the most influential women in the world" - ​Oprah Winfrey!​

"I was sexually, mentally, emotionally and verbally abused by my father as far back as I can remember until I left home at the age of eighteen yet I am one of the most influential preachers in d world" - ​Joyce Meyer!​​

​Failures or limitations of the past have no control over the greatness in you. To him that believes, all things are possible.​

Don't wait for everybody to believe in your ability and dreams...

Never design your life like a Garden where anyone can walk in and out......

Design it like the Sky where everyone aspires to reach!

Tuesday, 13 September 2016


I will start by saying; let all things be done in decency and in accordance to yourself as a being. According to recent research conducted by bra manufacturer, Triumph, 76 percent of women are wearing the wrong size of bra.

Wearing a bra that is either too small or too big can have health implications including recurrent headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, joint pain, and upper back pain.

During their research, Triumph surveyed a large amount of women to find out reasons why they wear wrong bras. Here are the most common reasons:

Majority of women had never been fitted for a bra, and so were unaware of their actual bra size
Others deliberately bought bras in the wrong size “in the hope it would boost or minimize their cleavage”
Some bought the wrong bra because “they wanted a particular style or color and their size was out of stock” the effects of wearing bras that either too big or too small are given below to give insight to many who are deformed.

Adverse effects of wearing bras that is too small
If a bra is too tight, it can create pressure on the nerves, muscles and blood vessels around the shoulders, upper back and rib cage, leading to pain, headaches, and even constant pins and needles in the arms. Even more seriously, over time, too tight bra straps worn day in and day out can start to squash the acromioclavicular affecting its range of movement and the function of the arm, along with constant pain.
In addition, wearing bras that are too tight can cause lumps or lesions on the skin. These are caused by the hooks on the back of bras digging into the skin.
Adverse effects of wearing bras that is too large
Wearing a bra that doesn’t support the breasts efficiently can lead to postural problems, such as rounded or hunched shoulders, as the woman will naturally sit and stand awkwardly to compensate for her unsupportive, ill-fitting bra. If your cup size is a C or larger, the problems with wearing a loose, unsupportive bra can be even worse.
Larger, poorly supported breasts will sit on the rib cage, putting pressure on the diaphragm, which can cause you breathing problems. The weight of the breasts combined with poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle can even exacerbate digestive problems, such as heartburn and IBS.

Negotiation Sets You Up For Great Career Success

"Negotiation is the ultimate skill to executive career success, and the more you get better at negotiating the greater your chances for success." ~ Preye Tambou

Understanding the power of negotiation early in your career sets you up for great success. Negotiation can take place anywhere; is at the heart of just about every successful endeavor and can lead you to your career advancement. If you seek to develop your career path and maintain your professional and personal interests you need to be familiar with negotiation skills that would allow you to leverage your knowledge and strength. Negotiating to produce a positive outcome in a professional setting requires you to strive for win/win for every party involved, don't be afraid to make the first offer, do your research to get sufficient information, negotiate the salary and variable compensation/paid time off, working remotely, advancement opportunities, responsibilities etc, be an exceptional listener, clarify to understand the other party’s request, find a resolution for any areas of disagreement with the other party, make a call to action in clear and simple terms to confirm there are no misunderstandings, and never assume you know what the other person wants. Successful negotiation requires the right attitude; never take the other party lightly and never be intimidated. On an ongoing negotiation basis, working towards outcomes that result in a win for everyone should always be the ultimate goal.


~ Preye Tambou

11 Qualities of a Good Mother

  1. Always offering your love. Gives lots of hugs.
  2. Trying to see things from your kid's point of view. Asking their opinion whenever it's possible or appropriate.
  3. Patience
  4. Giving unconditional love.
  5. Having one on one time with each kid. If you have one child, making sure you have solo time with that child, too.
  6. Learning that discipline is a good thing
  7. Having a sense of humor.
  8. Balance.
  9. Making sure you always do the best you can, admit when you're not, learn to do better, and follow through.
  10. Being able to survive harsh conditions
  11. Relaxing a little.


There are questions individuals ought to ask themselves, this question go a long way to help them know many paralyzed situation but some individuals have the ‘I don’t care attitude’ perhaps they don’t understand the need to ask themselves this question probably they don’t understand or know. Any which way, let me put you true.
You can change your workouts and your diet. But theres nothing you can do to change your blood type, which is determined by microscopic substances inherited from your parents that live on the surface of your red blood cells. So depending on whether youre type A, B, AB, or O, you may be more or less likely to suffer from heart trouble, cancer, and several other maladies. Heres what your blood type could mean for you:
Memory Problems
Blood type AB may increase your risk for cognitive impairment, shows research from the journal Neurology. Specifically, older ABs were more likely than those with other blood types to have problems learning or recalling things.
Stomach Cancer
More bad news if youre blood type AB: Your risk for stomach cancer is roughly 26 per cent higher than if you had blood type B or O, concludes a study from the American Journal of Epidemiology. (If youre type A, your risk is 20 per cent higher than those with type B or O.)
Ulcers. The same bacteria that may cause stomach cancers among those with blood types A or AB may up your risk for ulcers if youre type O, Edgrens research shows.
Heart Disease
Thank your lucky genes, type Os. Your blood type may lower your risk for heart disease by up to 23 per cent compared to people with other blood types. Thats according to research from the Harvard School of Public Health.
Pancreatic Cancer
More benefits for type Os: Youre 37 per cent less likely to develop pancreatic cancer than people with other blood types, suggests research from the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Having knowing what your blood group says or mean to you, it is worthy of note that, each blood group is associated with one thing or the other  as we all know blood type is genetically made up. However, while it seems your blood type plays a role in your disease risk, its not clear if that role is big or small. The best advice is to have a healthy lifestyle.